California Proposition 65
What is California's Proposition 65?
Proposition 65 is a unique California law that requires businesses to include a warning on any products that contain quantifiable amounts of over 800 possible chemicals, many of which are naturally occurring (click here for the full list).
Frozen Garden does not intentionally add these chemicals to any products. The elements, listed below, that prompted a Proposition 65 labeling requirement are naturally occurring elements that exist in nature. All Frozen Garden products fall within FDA-suggested guidelines for any/all of the chemicals listed on Proposition 65 and can be safely ingested.
Lead and Cadmium
Lead and cadmium are widely distributed in the environment and may be found naturally in the earth, soil, and water, as a result of geologic deposits. Plants grown in soils containing lead and cadmium can uptake the elements into parts of the plants. Nearly all foods contain certain levels of cadmium and lead. The amounts established by Proposition 65 are less than that what occurs naturally in numerous fruits, vegetables, spices and water...such as apples, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, pineapple, avocado, oranges, potatoes, corn and many more.
Acrylamide is a chemical that is formed in certain plant-based foods during cooking or processing at high temperatures, such as frying, roasting, grilling, and baking. Sources of acrylamide in the diet include french fries, potato chips, other fried and baked snack foods, roasted asparagus, canned sweet potatoes and pumpkin, canned black olives, roasted nuts, roasted grain-based coffee substitutes, prune juice, breakfast cereals, crackers, some cookies, bread crusts, and toast. Some Frozen Garden products contain dry roasted nuts, roasted vegetables, organic black olives, pumpkin and spices.